Do you ever wish that you could be a “fly on the wall” at your child’s daycare or school? We offer a unique service where one of our licensed psychologists will visit your child’s school to observe them in their everyday environment. During a school observation, we will collect data on their behavior, interactions, and environment in a natural setting. We coordinate with schools in attempt to observe students in both structured and unstructured settings, which may include the classroom during an academic lesson(s) and/or while at lunch/recess during opportunities for more social interaction. By understanding how your child navigates their school day, we aim to identify their strengths, as well as any areas they may need additional support. Following the observation, we can collaborate with teachers and school staff to provide tailored recommendations and strategies to support your child’s academic, social, and emotional success, ensuring that your child receives the most effective support in the environment where they spend much of their time.
School observations can be conducted as a stand-alone service, during therapy, or as part of the testing/evaluation process. We have completed observations at several public schools within Lee and Collier county school districts, as well as local private schools (Discovery Day, Creative World, ECS, Primrose, The Learning Tree, CSN, VSN, etc.)